Prof. Bai introduces the prediction of catastrophic failure of heterogeneous brittle media

2017年3月10日,北京大学工学院本学期第一期“王仁力学讲座”开讲,主讲人为中国科学院院士,著名力学家白以龙先生。讲座由力学与工程科学系副系主任肖左利研究员主持。 白以龙院士首先从素混凝土和岩石的单轴压塑应力应变曲线讲起,引出材料会发生渐进的破坏(软化)和灾变破坏两种现象。在固体力学理论中,弹性力学和弹塑性力学是最基本的理论,但这些理论并不能解释材料软化的现象。那么软化现象该用何种理...

2017, Mar 15   —  1 minute read

Prof. Bai honored with Tan Kah Kee Science Awards 2010

On June 9, the 2010 Tan Kah Kee Science Award Ceremony was held in Beijing. BAI Yilong, academician of South China University of Technology (SCUT) and researcher of Institute of Mechanic, Chinese...

2011, Dec 05   —  1 minute read

Prof. Bai honored with John Rinehart Award

Prof. BAI Yilong has received the 2007 John Rinehart Award for his seminal contributions to the theories of shear-band formation and damage in materials and for his leadership in dynamic behavior...

2007, Sep 29   —  1 minute read